Top 10 Work From Home Job Boards To Check Out

Before the COVID-19 outbreak began, people have already been searching for remote work opportunities on the Internet. Many have found freelance work on freelancer sites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. Those who want greater control over their rates chose to advertise their services on sites like Craigslist. 

While there are legitimate employers, many individuals have fallen victims to fake job ads that even charge you money to get the job you want, scams, and “article mills” (bogus employers that demand writers to write hundreds of articles per week at very minimal rates).

The situation changed with the pandemic and the greater demand for work from home (WFH) jobs. People now are wiser and prefer to search for remote work from legitimate WFH job boards.

If you are searching for a WFH job – whether it’s fulltime or a side job to augment your income during these challenging times – here are the Top 10 Work From Home Job Boards of 2021 to check out for newer and better remote work opportunities.

1) FlexJobs

Since 2007, FlexJobs remains the leader and the most enduring among the remote work job boards. Ironically, Sara Sutton – founder of FlexJobs – developed the site as a result of her own frustrations with bogus job site while searching for remote work during her pregnancy. Offering both fulltime and parttime remote work opportunities, the FlexJobs staff make considerable effort in researching the best and legitimate professional job opportunities in over 50 career fields throughout the globe.


FlexJobs sister company presents purely remote work opportunities. Not only can employers post job ads; remote workers can also post their own ads so that employers can easily find them as well. As an added service, the site also has an informative remote work blog and an extensive FAQ on remote work and WFH which is being answered by experts in over 142 virtual teams and remote companies worldwide.


While features ads for regular, in-office work, they also have a section dedicated to remote jobs. You can search for the type of job you want and check out other important factors such as location, company, experience level, and salary estimate. Remote workers can also post their resumes on the site, enabling employers to search for them and acquire their services.

4) We Work Remotely

One of the leading job boards for remote work is We Work Remotely. The career fields are listed as categories, such as copywriting, design, programming, and sales and marketing, for easy searching. Each job placement comes with a complete job description template, including whether it is a fulltime or parttime position. If you are thinking of doing remote work in other fields, We Work Remotely has sections that discuss the recent trends in remote work and the leading 100 remote work categories.

5) Remote Work Hub

If you are seeking a permanent remote job, Remote Work Hub is the site for you since they only offer fulltime WFH opportunities. The site’s homepage boasts of providing users with “10 times more jobs and better filters than the No. 1 remote job board.” Just browse through the categories to search for the remote job for you. As a user, you can also set up job alerts as well as read informative blog posts on remote work, digital nomading, and other similar topics.

6) ZipRecruiter

Like, ZipRecruiter offers job opportunities for both traditional and WFH positions. Since November of last year, the site has seen a sharp rise in WFH employer ads in their database. Among the jobs being offered are teachers/tutors, bookkeepers, and graphic designers, as well as other administrative, parttime, and contractual employment opportunities.

7) Jobspresso

Placing ads on the Internet – whether as an employer or a job seeker – can be costly in the long run if you are planning to have your ad run on an extended period of time. Jobspresso is a free site that features ads for over 1,000 job openings, among them tech jobs, writing and editing, and product management. However, even though the site is free, the Jobspresso’s staff are dedicated to researching every ad placement and ensuring that only legitimate job opportunities are posted.

8) Working Nomads

Working Nomads excels from other sites by offering job opportunities from every corner of the globe. They are specifically targeting job seekers with remote capabilities (Computer, WiFi, and Cloud) for a variety of remote positions, including fulltime jobs. The site also offers jobs for hybrid models. These jobs require the applicant to first undergo on-site training and team building.

9) Remote OK

If you are seeking remote work opportunities in tech fields, then you might want to check out Remote OK first. Among the tech jobs being advertised in the site include software development, web design, etc. Even if you are not searching for a tech-related job, there are also other work positions available. These would include customer service, customer support, marketing, and design. Job seekers might want to consider getting their resumes added to the site’s worker directory, so that they can be among the global talent pool of over 50,000 remote workers worldwide. In addition, a must read is the live ranking of the current hiring trends among the leading remote companies in the world today.

10) JustRemote

JustRemote desires to distinguish itself as the better and more convenient job platform on the Internet today, so that it will be easier for job seekers to find the perfect career for them faster and more easily. There are a wide variety of job opportunities to choose from, including design and marketing, web development and other technical fields, HR, and customer service. Aside from allowing you to filter these jobs via location, you can also check if some of these positions have country or time overlap requirements. This information is valuable for remote workers seeking jobs outside their country and have to meet the time schedules required by employers.

If you’re looking for other resources on working from home, be sure to check out our Complete Guide To Working From Home to get you started!
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