Top 10 Small Office Ideas For Your Work From Home (WFH) Situation

Anyone who has received word that they will be working from home are sure to have been thrilled with this news…that is, until they come to realize that their homes are not really ideal for work. No, we’re not talking about the presence of potentially distracting family members. It is the home itself that’s the problem – small, maybe even cramped, with very little space in which to set up a good work station.

Guess what though? Even the tiniest of homes can accommodate a small WFH office. You just need to know where to look and how to work around what little space is available to you.

If you are in this dilemma, here are the Top 10 Small Office Ideas you might want to take note of for your work from home situation.

1) Search for “dead spaces” in your home which you can convert to a WFH station

No matter how big or small a home is, chances are there are a number of “dead spaces” inside it. It is these neglected spaces which you can transform into a WFH station. It can be a corner where a potted plant used to be, a narrow hallway with a dead end, or an empty landing at the top of the stairs. What about the space under the stairs (Remember Harry Potter’s room)? 

You can also examine the architectural lines of your home. For example, perhaps there is an embellishment on the wall, like a decorative arch? You can position a small desk beneath this arch. With a little creativity, you can put a cozy WFH office in these spaces.

2) Create color boundaries for your small office.

Do the colors of your home not match your vision of your small office? Perhaps you want it to look more professional, to make it stand out as a place of business. You can do this by creating color boundaries for your small office. You can choose to repaint your chosen space in simple monochromatic colors. If you prefer a more calming ambience, you can go for a mix of greens and browns. You can also add some metallic paint to zone your walls to make your office space seem larger.

3) Use removable wallpaper

One way to make your small office stand out is by using removable wallpaper. You can also switch wallpapers if you want to change the ambience of your small office to suit your moods.

4) Convert large cabinets, bureaus, and walk-in closets into small offices

Don’t have a guest room? Maybe you should check out any large cabinets, bureaus, and walk-in closets that you have in your home. All of this furniture can be converted into small offices with the addition of a flipboard at the back wall, which you can pull down and use as a desktop. Once you’re done, simply put the flipboard back up and pull your clothes back to conceal it. Take note that clothes act as excellent soundproofing during Zoom meeting so that you can easily hear everyone.

5) Choose the right desk type or shape for your small office office

Let’s say that you have chosen a neglected corner of your home to be your home office. You don’t have to stick with the traditional rectangular desk. A great option would be a nice, round bistro table. If you have a spouse, instead of a large double desk, you can make use of an L-shaped table which can fit nicely into the corner.

Here’s another option for you. If you prefer that your small office not stand out amidst the existing furnishings of your home, you can make it blend in with the use of a tempered glass desk. This makes your desk practically invisible in its surroundings, as you long as you keep it clean and not cluttered.

6) Choose a desk with lots of storage space and other features

If you have a lot of files but don’t have a spare table or enough room in your shelves, better get a small desk but with lots of drawers and storage spaces. Aside from storage, consider getting a modular desk with other special features, preferably one with holes and notches which you can use to organize and untangle computer and other gadget cables.

7) Make use of the wall

Do you have a lot of wall space? Then a small desk will fit in nicely. Add shelves in which to place office supplies and files. If you don’t like shelves, a great option would be pegboards. You can use wall mounts if you will be using an extra monitor. For those who love to write down reminders, you have the option of mounting a corkboard or adhesive whiteboards or chalkboards to your wall.

8) Use a bottom shelf as a desktop

If you really don’t have enough space for even small desk, better take a closer look at the shelves that you already have on your walls. A bottom shelf at desk height can be converted to a desktop using a flipboard.

9) Give your small office a refreshing look with plants

Nothing can be more refreshing to the eyes than splashes of green in the form of living plants. Instead of just putting a tiny cactus on your desktop, you can choose to place potted plants in your designated small home office space. Aside from the soothing effect of the color green, plants provide much needed oxygen for work.

10) Always keep your small office area clutter free

Clutter is not only distracting. It has the effect of muddling up your mind so that you cannot concentrate on work. At the end of your work day, make it a point to clean up the messes on your desktop. Place files in your desk drawers or arrange them neatly on shelves. 

Having small home should not deter you from having a nice little WFH office. Again, take a closer look at the spaces and existing furniture and see if you can convert any of them into a small WFH office.

If you’re looking for other resources on working from home, be sure to check out our Complete Guide To Working From Home to get you started!
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