What WFH Stands For (Plus 10 Other Workplace Acronyms You Need To Know)

Acronyms have long been used to simplify and speed up communication. Instead of lengthening your emails or other correspondence with commonly used words or phrases, you shorten them by using the first letters in the phrase.

Suffice to say, because of the texting revolution, there has been a boom in acronyms, some of which are now being used in the workplace as well.

Let’s take “WFH” as a more recent example. WFH stands for “work from home” or “working from home”. This acronym is very specific for remote work, meaning that the person who is WFH is presently working in his/her home.

WFH is different from “OOO”, which stands for “Out Of the Office”. When a person is OOO, it means that he/she is working in the office or on-site, but has to attend to business outside of the office or is eating lunch or on some other break.

WFH and OOO are just some of the workplace acronyms that you are likely to encounter.

Here are 10 other workplace acronyms that you need to know.


Stands For: End Of Day/Close Of Business/End Of Week/Take Your Time

When To Use: Every work you do has a deadline. These acronyms are used to tell you when you are expected to turn in specific work assignments. Work labeled EOD or COB are intended to be submitted at the end of the working day.

EOW means you should submit the work on Friday. Of course, while TYT means there’s no need to rush a particular work assignment, it is still best to ask your boss what his/her projected deadline is.


Stands For: Too Long Didn’t Read

When To Use: Use this acronym when your boss or a co-worker sends you something that is too long, too complicated, or too convoluted to read so that you are unable to get the most important details out.

TLDR tells the person to simplify or summarize the vital points or they should start over again.

3) EOT

Stands For: End Of Thread

When To Use: You may have experienced receiving emails on a particular topic going on and on without any conclusion. Long email threads end up getting confusing and you may even miss out on important messages, comments, or feedback.

By using EOT, this means that you have received all pertinent information and that you are now closing the thread. As an added tip, you may want to consider summarizing the important points before declaring EOT.

4) NRN

Stands For: No Reply Necessary

When To Use: This acronym is especially useful when you have a boss or co-worker who is too eager to send out replies, thus cluttering your email box. Take note though that using NRN doesn’t mean that the message sent is not important.

You still need to read through these messages carefully to see if you understood it well, especially if there are work instructions. Even with the use of NRN, it may still be necessary to send out a reply especially if you need clarification.

5) Voluntold

Meaning: While not an acronym per se, this is a word that you may often encounter while WFH. This word is often used when your boss requires your assistance and expertise on another project.

When he emails you to say that he is “volunteering” you for another work assignment or project, this means you have been “Voluntold”.


Stands For: What’s In It For Me?

When To Use: WIIFM is an acronym for a seemingly greedy question, but it serves a practical purpose, especially from a business standpoint. When discussing business while WFH, you want to know what your company will get from a certain deal with a client or partner.

By going straight to the point, you learn what you will get out of the deal, determine if it’s in the best interests for your company, or, if it proves to be unrewarding, you can readily back out before signing any contracts.


Stands For: Why Do They Care?

When To Use: A lot of people think that WIIFM is a tactless way of doing business. The better option that they recommend is using WDTC. The acronym aims toward the client, instead of the self-interest of your company.

When you use WDTC, you are taking into account the needs of the client and not just that of your company.


Stands For: Keep It Simple Stupid

When To Use: This is similar to TLDR. However, KISS is best applied when starting a work assignment of project. KISS is a reminder for you to keep your work outputs simple.

No need to complicate things. Break down ideas or work into something simpler so that it is easier to understand and for your brain to process.

9) BID

Stands For: Break It Down

When To Use: This acronym is actually a handy tip for you to simplify your work.

If you are dealing with a work assignment with a lot of important concepts and ideas, the best way to simplify them is to break it down into shorter, smaller, and easier to understand items. A good way to BID complex ideas is by using numbered or bulleted lists.

10) 404

Stands For: This is an abbreviation for the common Internet error message “Error 404 – Not Found”

When To Use: There are times when you will receive emails or video conference instructions that are too confusing or complex for your understanding.

By saying that you are “404”, you tell your boss or co-worker that you are still very much confused by their instructions and would prefer them simplified or you are requesting for further clarification.

These are just a few of the acronyms that you are likely to encounter while WFH. But before we go, there’s one last acronym that you should remember and that’s NSFW.

This means “Not Safe For Work”. So if a friend emails you something that’s NSFW, make sure that you DO NOT OPEN IT…unless you want to see yourself fired from your job.

If you’re looking for other resources on working from home, be sure to check out our Complete Guide To Working From Home to get you started!

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