Work From Home Environment: 10 Ways To A Happy and Productive Space

If you have been recently assigned to WFH status, you may have met this news with joy, but still with a little worry mixed in. While you may be happy with the flexible schedule and the opportunity of being at home to care for your family, you may be concerned that work may take up too much of your time so that you don’t have a personal life at all.

Here are 10 ways to have a happy and productive WFH space:

1) Set regular work hours

Ideally, it is best to set your regular work hours around the time that you are most productive. Doing so will allow you to accomplish more work. It is advisable to set ground rules with your family, especially your kids, not to disturb you while you are working.

You also need to talk to your boss and co-workers so that you know when they are available to accept calls and chats. Mention also your availability for regular virtual meetings. 

So that your boss and co-workers don’t overstep their boundaries, specify that you will not reply to texts, emails or calls after your designated work hours.

2) Plan your work day

Make it a point to plan your work day. At the beginning of every work day, you should always start with priority tasks first. You should also plan your day particularly around your body’s natural cycles. This means, it is ideal to do the difficult tasks during the times when you have the most energy. 

Your work day plan should not only include the tasks you need to accomplish. Also include breaks and add a reward or two whenever you finish a task or project. These will help keep you refreshed and motivated.

3) Take clear breaks

Speaking of breaks, you should have designated lunch and coffee breaks as though you are working in-office. Consider doing the Pomodoro technique. Concentrate solely on work for 20 to 30 minutes then take short five-to-10 minute breaks to stretch your legs.

4) Dress for success

No, contrary to what you may have read in other WFH articles, you don’t need to put on your regular work clothes or uniforms. Dress in clothes that are comfortable and can make you feel productive. For example, you can put on a blazer or coat on top of your T-shirt.

5) Create your own work station at home

While it may be costly, you can choose to have your very own work station at home. Pick the best spot or room in the house so you can work without distractions. Pick the right furnishings, including ergonomic chairs that will enable you to work comfortably and with minimal stress on your body. 

Choose the best Internet and phone plans for work. Since these are not reimbursable by your employer, consider usage of other members of your house.

6) Always keep your workplace organized

Clutter and messes tend to distract your mind from work because you feel driven by the need to clean. If your workplace is kept clean and well-organized, you are more productive and less likely to trip or lose anything. Use desk trays and filing cabinets to help you sort files. Use colorful caddies and organizers in which to keep office supplies.

7) Set boundaries

It is important to set boundaries with family members when WFH. Tell them straight out that you are not to be disturbed while you are working. If you have your own work room, you can put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign. 

You can also divide household chores among family members so that you don’t have to do routine stuff like take out the trash or wash the dishes all the time. 

If your spouse or another family member is also WFH, consider rearranging your schedules so that you are not working at the same time. This will enable you and your spouse to do household chores while the other is working.

8) Be inspired

If you are seeking to be inspired and motivated throughout your WFH day, you can listen to music or a podcast while working. Read a book or play video games during your designated coffee or lunch breaks. You can also take a moment to go outside and breathe fresh air.

Nothing can be more demotivating than reading or hearing news about COVID-19, war, and other negative events happening in the world. Choose to stay positive and stop catching the latest news on TV or social media.

9) Always stay connected

Just because you’re out of the house doesn’t mean you can’t keep in touch with co-workers. Ask colleagues on the best times that you can chat with them. You can also send them the occasional email to offer well-wishes and inquire about their well-being or connect with them via social media, like Facebook and Twitter. Encourage your co-workers to keep in touch with you as well.

Try suggesting to your boss to hold a face-to-face event. It can be something as simple as holding a small company picnic or other fun activity just to get everyone in the office together again. 

10) Indulge in your hobbies

Just because you are WFH does not mean that work will completely take over your personal life. Make it a point to add your favorite hobbies and activities to your daily schedule as well. If you love playing with your pet, take them out for walks and playtime in the park in the hours you once used commuting to and from the office. Do you love to cook food or bake cakes? Perhaps you do some arts and crafts. You can do these hobbies during your off-hours. In addition, they can also become your means to a lucrative side job or home business.

Keep your work from home environment a happy and productive place by following our handy tips! Share with us your tips as well!

If you’re looking for other resources on working from home, be sure to check out our Complete Guide To Working From Home to get you started!

1 thought on “Work From Home Environment: 10 Ways To A Happy and Productive Space”

  1. Pingback: How To Work From Home (WFH) With Dogs - Work From Home Wins

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